Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) combines elements of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) with mindfulness strategies to help individuals become more adaptable in the face of life’s challenges. The primary goal of ACT is not to eliminate or suppress negative thoughts and emotions, but to help individuals accept them and commit to actions that align with their values.

The main components of ACT include:

Acceptance: ACT encourages individuals to accept their thoughts and feelings rather than struggling against or trying to control them. This involves acknowledging the presence of distressing emotions without judgment.

Cognitive Defusion: This involves distancing oneself from negative thoughts by observing them rather than getting entangled with them. The aim is to reduce the impact of thoughts on one’s behavior and emotional well-being.

Mindfulness: Mindfulness techniques are employed to enhance present-moment awareness. By being fully engaged in the present, individuals can develop a greater understanding of their thoughts and emotions without being overwhelmed by them.

Values Clarification: ACT emphasizes the identification and clarification of personal values. This involves exploring what is truly important and meaningful to an individual, guiding them toward actions that align with these values.

Commitment to Action: Once values are identified, ACT helps individuals develop committed actions that are in line with those values. This involves setting goals and taking steps towards a more purposeful and fulfilling life.

ACT Therapists: Anna Doherty

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