Areas anger

Anger Management

Anger is an emotion that we all experience. It can be spurred by disappointment, shame, confusion, sadness and other negative emotions. The way that we express our anger can take many forms, and it is important for your mental state to effectively manage and release anger.

Some people have a problem expressing their anger which can lead to problems. Some will react with hostility, rage, violence, or self-destructive behavior. This puts the person and anyone around them in potential danger. Releasing anger in this manner can cause you to hurt yourself or others, say or do things that cannot be taken back, or even get you into legal trouble. High levels of stress or the use of drugs or alcohol can increase the likelihood that someone will react to anger in this way.

Other people have the opposite problem where they hold all of their anger inside. They may seem calm and collected externally, but bottling up your anger can lead to other problems. It can cause depression or anxiety if not dealt with properly. It is also possible that the anger can “build up” until it eventually bursts.

If you are having trouble managing your anger a therapist can benefit you. We can help you develop effective ways to release and manage your anger. Channeling your anger into another activity (i.e. writing, running, working out, etc.) can provide an outlet where that anger can be used in a positive manner. Speaking to a therapist about what makes you angry and figuring out why can also help you manage your anger in similar situation in the future. Call us today to learn how to effectively manage your anger before it becomes a larger problem.

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